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Geological time scale

The geological time scale on Dracca it cut in billion years long "eons", and each of them is again cut into eras of hundreds of millions of years. Astronomic events put an end to eons, while biological and geological events shows limits of the eras.


Eons Era Begining
Date Event
Metastric Chaomestic -5 to -4,6 billions years Birth of the stellar system
Accrémestic -4,4 billions years End of the gas cloud expansion
Protomestic -4,2 billions years First light atomic elements metldown
Termnestic -4 billions years First heavy atomic element
Galbastric Metabastic -3.8 billions years Planets starts their migration
Fundebastic -3,5 billions years End of the planets' migrations
Géobastic -3,2 billions years First lake on Dracca
Biobastic -2,6 billions years First autonomous living cell on Dracca
Exastric Calorastic -430 millions years Rougeil starts to heat up
Exorastric -200 millions years Meldown of the first heavy atomic element
Mesorastic -110 millions years Helium flash
Nanostric Rotostic -100 millions years Rougeil turns into Opak Or Dracca's rotate axis pivots
Fixostic -80 millions years Dracca's rotating axis is now in the ecliptic plane
Krystallostic -16,7 millions years Vherra strikes Dracca
Dracostic -8 millions years First animals relying on crystal to live

Eons and eras


Its beginning is controverted. Dragons consider it started between -5 and -4,6 billions years ago, with the birth of the stellar system, while other creatures consider insane to put a beginning date to the very beginning of everything. Still, all acknowledge that the birth of the star Rougeil puts an end to this eon.


First era of the first eon, when the stellar gaz cloud appeared. Planets will come from the accretion of dust in that cloud. It ends about -4,4 billions years ago, when the cloud stopped growing.


Era starts -4,4 billions years ago, and ends when the proto-star begins melting down its first light atom (two hydrogen atoms becomes a deuterium atom), 4,2 billions years ago.


The proto-star keeps lighting up, while dust and rocks aggregate in the stellar cloud to become planets. This era ends with the formation of the first heavy atomic element.


From -4 billions years to the end of this eon, the Rougeil star and the planets achieve their formation. Planets look like spherical lava balls at the end of the Metastric.


The second Eon starts once the Rougeil star has achieved its formation, 3,8 billions years ago. Star then starts emitting its very first visible light, and planets are achieved but still not cooled down. During the next billions years, life appears on Dracca and develops across the planet. Rougeil's heating up will put an end to this Eon.


Under the star's light and particles stream, planets start moving farther from Rougeil to reach their final orbital places. Era stops once this migration is over, -3,5 billions years ago.


During this second era, from -3,5 to -3,2 billions years, Dracca gets a rock solid crust. It is considered that the formation of the first stable water lake on the planet puts an end to this era.


Starting -3,2 billions years ago, this era saw the formation of the first required elements for life to appear, like water and carbon components. The first living cell is dated -2.6 billions years ago. It puts an end to this era.


Wide era from -2,6 billions years until the end of this Eon. During this era, millions of life form succeed each other on Dracca, depending on the climatic and geological events.


This Eon starts 430 millions years ago, when Rougeil starts inflating, to become a giant red start that will later crumble. This giant red star will even eat up two planets, Proxyma and Azura. Once the star had crumbled to become a white dwarf, putting an end to this third Eon.


The era starts 430 millions years ago, when Rougeil starts heating up, and ends 400 millions years ago, when the first heavy atomic elements are being melt down in the star's core.


From -200 to -110 millions years ago, the star is a giant red star that melts down its heavy elements. Era ends with the giant Helium flash, meaning the death of Rougeil.


Very short in term of cosmic timeline, this era was the time when Rougeil giant red star became a white dwarf. This star is named Opak once it reached that form.


The last Eon starts 100 millions years ago, when Opak, the white dwarf, is formed. The star no longer shines in the sky, and is not visible from now on. Instead, the star emits a lot of UV.


This era saw the falling over of Dracca's rotating axis. It ends -80 millions years ago, once the this axis is on the ecliptic plane. Since then, the Dracca planet is like "rolling" on a giant space table, around the star.


About 60 millions years long, this era is a calm one compared to all others, and before the giant collision between Dracca and Vherra .


16,7 millions years ago, Vherra strikes Dracca. This is the second giant cosmic change in the stellar system. That shocks gave birth to a crystal satellite called Vherris, that orbits around Dracca since then, along with a cloud of crystal particles Vherra was made of. These crystal particles will fall down to the ground during the next millions years. This era ends with the first biological creature that is able to use these crystals to live.


-8 millions years ago, the first creatures that rely on crystal to live appeared nearby the crater made by the impact, since this was the place with the highest crystal density of all the planet, and it still is. These creatures evolved since then, leading to the dragons and dracos, about a hundred of thousand years ago. This is the current era.